Removing data records

For chart items that have database identities, you can choose to remove any associated data records. For example, if you want to clean the chart of sensitive or unwanted information.

About this task

You can remove the data records for a selection of chart items or for all chart items with associated data records. Removing data records removes all of the data on the Data Records pages, but leaves the database key and database instance intact.

If you redact a chart to remove data records, the database key and database instance is no longer intact.


  • To remove data records for a selection of chart items, click the Publish tab, and then in the Redact and Purge group, click Purge Data Records.
  • To remove all data records, click the Publish tab, and then in the Redact and Purge group, click Purge All Data Records.
    You can undo the deletion of data records from your chart items by clicking the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar.