Showing item properties

You can display the properties that store information about a chart item.

To show the properties of an item on the chart, double-click it, or complete one of the following steps:
  • Double-click an individual item.
  • Select an item, and select Edit > Item Properties.
  • Right-click an item, and select View Item Properties.
Item property pages are listed in the following folders:
Statistics for a selection of items
When there is more than one item selected on the chart, you can view the properties of all the items together. The Statistics page show overview information about the number of items in the selection and their representation.
Link labels

Use the Identity page to display the label of the selected link. Links have only a label, which does not need to be unique. Multiple links between two entities often share a label, for example.

The link label is a textual description of the link which is displayed on the chart.

When viewing a label of a link, you can view: the label of the entity on each end of the link, the number of corners on the connection, and the number of sibling links. A sibling link is another link on the same connection, that is, between the same two entities.

Date and time
All items on the chart can have a date, a time, or both. If the item has a date, the Date checkbox is selected, and the date value displayed in the box beneath below. If the item has a time, the Time checkbox is cleared, and the time value is displayed in the box below.
When viewing a selection of items with a date, time, or both, the value in the date or time box is left blank.

An item can have a textual description of when it occurred, rather than (or possibly in addition to) a specific date and time. This description is useful when the date or time is known. A description of when an item occurred, for example "After return to the United States" or "sometime in the afternoon", is used.

An item can have both a date and time description and also an exact date and time, but both cannot be displayed on the chart together.

The date and time of an item is quoted in a specific time zone, Time zones are all relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

All entities have an identity. The identity uniquely identifies the entity on the chart, regardless of how it is displayed. Entities cannot share the same identity.
Identities are case-sensitive. "Brian GREEN" and "Brian Green" are both allowed as different identities on the same chart.
The Database Identities area of the Identity page provides the following information about the item:
Database The class and name of the source database.
Object The database object type of the entity.
Key The item's unique identifier. The database key comprises a series of characters which are unique in the database.
Semantic Type A high-level classification for the database record that can be viewed in Chart Reader.

To view a particular card attached to an item, do one of the following steps:

  • Select the appropriate card page from the page list.
  • Select the card in the cards table and click Go To.
Analysis attributes provide useful statistical information about chart items which might help your analysis. For example, they can help you determine which entity has the most links, or which item has the earliest date and time.