Selecting items

A chart item is selected with all the text associated with the item (its label, description, and attributes) displayed inverted. For items that have no visible text, a small black square is displayed indicating that the item is selected.

Selecting chart items
  • Click a chart item to select it. Other selected items are cleared when you select a new item.
  • To select a chart item and add it to the current selection, hold down the Ctrl key and click the item.
  • To select a group of items, hold down the Shift key and select item.
  • To select all the items on the chart, do one of the following steps:
    • Click the Select All toolbar button
    • From the Edit menu, select Select All
    • Right-click anywhere on the chart background and select Select All
    • Press Ctrl+A
Clearing chart items
  • To clear all chart items, click anywhere on the chart background.
  • To clear a chart item and keep all other selected items selected, hold down the Ctrl key and click the item.
Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking an item changes the selection state between being selected and cleared.
Inverting a selection
To invert the current selection, do one of the following steps:
  • Click the Invert Selection toolbar button
  • From the Edit menu, select Invert Selection