Selecting rows for import

If a row in the incoming data is not intended for import, you can configure the import wizard to exclude it. For example, a row in the data might contain column headers rather than values, or a particular row might be invalid.


If a row in the incoming data contains column headers instead of values to be imported:
  • Select Extract column headers from row and enter the row number in the adjacent field.
    The column headers above the table in the wizard change to display the names from the data.
If some rows in the incoming data are prefixed with a particular character to indicate that they do not contain values:
  • Select Ignore rows starting with and enter the character in the adjacent field.
    Every row that begins with that character is excluded from the import.
After the rules do their work, you can exclude or reinstate individual rows:
  • To exclude specific rows from the import, select the rows in the table and click Exclude Selected Rows.
  • To reinstate excluded rows, select the rows in the table and click Include Selected Rows.


Rows that are excluded from the import are struck through in the table. The application does not import excluded rows when you reach the end of the wizard.