Properties and recognized semantic types

Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri automatically recognizes that attributes with certain semantic types represent locations (or parts of locations). If your chart contains location information in attributes that the connector does not recognize, you can configure it to use those attributes instead.

The following table lists the names of Esri properties that can contain location information, and the semantic types of attributes whose values Esri automatically detects.
Esri property Used for Recognized semantic type
British National Grid Complete BNG grid references BNG
Datum Datum codes
Only necessary if you do not want to use the WGS84 datum. This datum applies to all coordinates on chart items that do not have a specific datum set.
Datum Code
Decimal Degrees Longitude pairs (given in decimal degrees) Decimal Degree
Degrees Minutes Seconds Longitude pairs (given in degrees, minutes, and seconds) DMS
Easting x coordinates (a measured distance eastwards) as part of an UTM, UPS, or decimal BNG grid reference Easting
Hemisphere For a grid reference that requires the hemisphere to be specified Hemisphere
Latitude Coordinates running from east and west on a map

From Latitude
To Latitude

Longitude Coordinates running from north and south on a map

From Longitude
To Longitude

MGRS Complete MGRS grid references MGRS
Northing The y coordinates (a measured distance northwards) as part of a UTM, UPS, or decimal BNG grid reference. Northing
UPS Complete UPS grid references UPS
UTM Complete UTM grid references UTM
UTM Zone The UTM zone for UTM grid references that are split over several attribute classes UTM Zone