Configuring Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri to look for addresses

Chart items might store addresses in labels, descriptions, card summaries, card descriptions, or data records. You can direct Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri to look for addresses in one or more of these places.


To change where Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri looks for addresses:
  1. On the Options page of the Map Chart Items task pane, select the Labels, descriptions, cards, and data records checkbox and click Specify Details.
  2. Use the following checkboxes in the Look for addresses in area to specify where Analyst's Notebook looks for addresses when mapping:
    • Labels
    • Descriptions
    • Card summaries
    • Card descriptions
    • Data Records
  3. Addresses that are entered as text in labels, in descriptions, on cards, or in data records must be identified as such. They must be enclosed in a prefix and suffix, or tagged based on the other options. In the Addresses area, select one of the following options.
    All of the text Addresses are the full text of the value that stores them.
    Tagged using Addresses are part of the text of the value that stores them. You identify the address by a dedicated prefix and suffix, which you specify in the Prefix and Suffix boxes.
    The prefix and suffix are not case-sensitive.

    You can also use the Mailing Address semantic type to identify an address. Select the Labels are addresses checkbox to override the other label options for the Mailing Address semantic type.