General Find Path criteria

You can choose whether to take account of link direction and specify the items to include when Analyst's Notebook searches for a path. When a path is found, you can choose what action to take.

Considering link direction

You can choose to consider link direction when Analyst's Notebook searches for paths by selecting Use Link Directions and selecting one of the following options.

Option Description
With Arrows Links are only traveled in the direction of their arrows.
Against Arrows Links are only traveled against the direction of their arrows.

Nondirectional links and bidirectional links are always considered as part of the path, regardless of whether Use Link Directions is selected.

Restricting which items are included in the paths

You can restrict the search so that it looks for paths that contain only entities and links with an attribute whose value matches a specified condition. Select the attributes from the Include Entities with Attribute and Include Links with Attribute lists and configure the conditions by using the controls that appear. To include entities or links with an attribute of any value, select the Is Present condition. To include entities or links that don't have the selected attribute, select the Is Absent condition.

If (any) is selected, attributes are ignored when Analyst's Notebook searches for a path.

You can choose whether to include hidden items when Analyst's Notebook searches for a path. To include hidden items, select the Reveal Hidden check box. All hidden items on the chart are revealed when a path is found.

If the Reveal Hidden status in the main application is set to Reveal Fully or Reveal in Gray, this check box is selected by default.

Resulting actions

You can choose the actions that Analyst's Notebook takes when it finds a path:

Action Description
Select Entities Selects all the entities on the path.
Select Links Selects all the links on the path.
Hide Others Hides all chart items that are not on the path.

This option is disabled when Reveal Hidden is selected.

To show all the hidden items, click the View tab, and then in the Show and Hide Items group, click Show All.
Add Depth Attribute Adds an attribute to each of the chart items on the path, indicating how many entities removed they are from the origin entity. The origin entity has a depth attribute value of zero.

You can select an existing Number attribute to use, or specify a new one. Only Number attributes that are defined in your chart are available in the list. If you enter a new attribute, it is created as a Number attribute.

If you add a depth attribute to all items on the path, you can remove that attribute from any chart items that are not on the path by selecting the Remove Attribute from Others check box.