Finding items linked to a selection

You can extend the current selection of items on a chart to include entities that are linked to the selection, directly or indirectly, and, optionally, the links between them. You can set rules about which items are selected.

About this task

Options are available on the Select tab of the Analyst's Notebook ribbon, in the Extend Selection group. Use these options to extend your selection in a number of ways. Alternatively, you can use the Find Linked Items feature to further extend your selection.

Before you find linked items, you must select one or more items on the chart as a starting point for the search. Typically, you select one or more entities as the starting point. However, you can select links. When you select a link, Analyst's Notebook automatically selects the entity at one or both ends of the selected link, depending on other settings (for example, link directions). It then searches for linked items.

You can specify that the linked items found must take account of:
  • Search depth
  • Link direction
  • Entities or links, with attribute values that match a condition that you specify
  • Time flow (either forward or backward in time)
  • The time gap between successive items on the path


  1. Select one or more items on the chart.
  2. Click the Analyze tab, and then in the Find Networks group, click Find Linked Items > Find Linked Items.
    The Find Items Linked to Selection window opens.
    To use the current settings, select one or more items and click Find Linked Items > Find Linked Items with Current Setup.
  3. Click the General tab of the Find Items Linked to Selection window and specify the general criteria for finding items that are linked to the selection.
  4. Optional: To specify date and time criteria when you search for items that are linked to the selection:
    1. Click the Date and Time tab of the Find Items Linked to Selection window.
    2. Select the Follow Date and Time check box and specify the required criteria.
  5. Click OK to find items that are linked to the selection.
    The OK button is displayed only when one or more items are selected on the chart. If no items are selected, the Find Linked Setup window displays a Close button instead. To find linked items, click Close to save the settings, select one or more chart items, and follow the preceding steps.