Displaying a heat matrix

Heat matrices can help identify areas for further analysis, such as peak periods of activity. You can change the time scale to help identify any patterns or trends. You can see how events occur, for example, over days or months.


  1. On the New page of the Bar Charts and Histograms pane, click the words (as Histogram) to open a histogram.
  2. From the Heat Matrix list, at the top of the Histogram window, select a heat matrix to display.
    For example, the Date & Time:Day of Week heat matrix shows the number of occurrences of an event on days of the week.
  3. Optional: Select a scale from the Scale list at the top of the Histogram window.
    The Scale list is available only when results contain date and time information without a predefined scale.
  4. Optional: Select whether to convert values to the chart time zone or ignore time zones from the Time Zones options menu at the top of the Histogram window. If you choose to ignore time zones, values are displayed in their local time.
    The Time Zones options menu is available only when results contain date and time information.
  5. Optional: Customize the display of the heat matrix by changing the heat matrix options.