Bar chart and histogram options

When you click on bars in a bar chart or histogram, a filter is applied (activated). You can control how active filters are shown on a chart and how the results of multiple active filters are combined. The settings that you choose in the Options page remain set even after you close and restart Analyst's Notebook.

Showing results on the chart

When you activate a filter on a bar chart or histogram, you can choose what is selected and displayed on the chart.
Option Description
Select Chart Items Selects the items on the chart that correspond to the active filters in the bar charts and histograms.
Hide Other Chart Items Hides all the items on the chart that do not correspond to the active filters in the bar charts and histograms. Chart item selection remains unchanged.

Selecting the Reveal Hidden in Gray checkbox reveals the hidden items in gray.

If a link passes the filter conditions, it can be displayed only if both of its ends are also displayed. As a result, some ends might be displayed that do not pass the filter conditions.
Select Chart Items and Hide Others Selects the items on the chart that correspond to the active filters in the bar charts and histograms and hides all other chart items.

Selecting the Reveal Hidden in Gray checkbox reveals the hidden items in gray.

If a link passes the filter conditions, it can be displayed only if both of its ends are also displayed. As a result, some ends might be displayed that do not pass the filter conditions. However, these ends are not selected.

Combining active filters

You can control how active filters are combined.
Option Description
Match Any Entity Filters Finds entities that pass ANY active entity filters. You can apply multiple filters across multiple bar charts and histograms, each filtering different types of information. Chart items that pass any of the active entity filters are found. For example, you might be looking for all bank accounts that were opened after a specific date OR that have a balance over a specific amount.

If this checkbox is cleared, only those chart items that pass ALL of the active entity filters are found. For example, you might be looking for all bank accounts that were opened after a specific date, which also have a balance over a specific amount.

In the case where any of your bar charts or histograms include both ends and links (rather than just ends or just links), any active filters in these bar charts or histograms, in combination with other active filters, impact on the results for BOTH ends and links. All ends and links that do not pass the filter are excluded. For example, on a Label text bar chart that includes ends and links, if you apply a filter that selects only links, all entities are therefore intrinsically excluded. If you now apply an extra entity filter on a different bar chart and the Match Any Entity Filters checkbox is cleared, no entities can match all the active filters. They are excluded by the filter on the original Label text bar chart that selected only links.
Match Any Link Filters Finds links that pass ANY active link filters. You can apply multiple filters across multiple bar charts and histograms, each filtering different types of information. Chart items that pass any of the active link filters are found. For example, you might be looking for transactions on a specific day of the week OR of a specific amount.

If this check box is cleared, chart items that pass ALL of the active link filters are found. For example, you might be looking for transactions on a specific day of the week AND of a specific amount.

In the case where any of your bar charts or histograms include both ends and links (rather than just ends or just links), any active filters in these bar charts or histograms, in combination with other active filters, impact on the results for BOTH ends and links. All ends and links that do not pass the filter are excluded. For example, on a Label text bar chart that includes ends and links, if you apply a filter that selects only entities, all links are therefore intrinsically excluded. If you now apply an extra link filter on a different bar chart and the Match Any Link Filters checkbox is cleared, no links can match all the active filters. They are excluded by the filter on the original Label text bar chart that selected only entities.
Matching Entities with Matching Links Matches link and entity combinations. Entities that pass the active entity filters, according to the Match Any Entity Filters option and links that pass the active link filters, according to the Match Any Link Filters option, are inspected. Only the entity-link combinations that pass the entity and link filters are found. For example, you might be looking for bank accounts with a balance over 40,000 that were involved in at least one transaction over 3000 on a Tuesday.
In the case where your bar chart or histogram contains both ends and links, you might find that some or all, entities or links are excluded as result of matching all active entity or all active link filters.

Showing the distribution of selected chart items on bar charts and histograms

If you select items on your chart, by default the selection is shown (brushed) onto the bars of any open bar charts and histograms. The distribution of the selected chart items is shown highlighted in the bars of the bar charts and histograms. You can choose not to brush the chart item selection onto the open bar charts and histograms by clearing the Brush Selection onto Bars checkbox.

Including empty rows or columns

You can control whether to include empty columns in histogram and heat matrix animation, whether rows that contain a zero value are displayed on bar charts, and if the case of values is ignored.

Option Description
Include Empty Columns Includes empty columns in a histogram or heat matrix animation.
Include Empty Rows Displays all the rows in a bar chart, including any rows that have a zero value. For example, you might want to display rows that have a zero value to highlight periods of inactivity.
Ignore Case of Values Changes whether rows in a bar chart are case sensitive. For example, your data contains one value for "Belgian" and another for "belgian". When the case of values is ignored you see one row with a value of either "Belgian" or "belgian" that has a count of 2, instead of separate rows with a count of 1.