Saving a redacted copy of a chart

Redaction can be used to remove items, cards, and data records from a copy of your chart.

About this task

Sensitive information is removed from a redacted copy of a chart. As the redacted version of the chart is saved separately, you can run the redaction multiple times to tailor the redaction level for different audiences.


To specify a method to use:
  1. Click the Publish tab, and then in the Redact and Purge group, click Save a Redacted Copy.
    The Save a Redacted Copy Options window opens.
  2. Click Add to show the Add a Redaction Method window.
  3. Select the methods to be used to redact the chart:
    Data Records based on their data source To remove data records from a specific data source, specify the name of the data source to which the data records are attached.
    Items and Cards based on their Grading To remove items and cards that are based on their grading:
    1. Select the items to remove. Items can be chart items and cards, only chart items or only cards.
    2. From the "Based On" list, select a grade.
    3. In the "For Values" area, select one or more values.
    Items based on a specified Flag Attribute To remove items that are based on Flag attribute classes:
    1. From the "Remove items when" list, select the attribute class.
    2. Select the condition to use with items that have the attribute class assigned.
    For example, a condition might be that the attribute is present or absent, or has a value of Yes, or No.
    Items based on a specified Text Attribute To remove items that are based on Text attribute classes:
    1. From the "Remove items when" list, select an attribute class.
    2. Select a condition from the list. For example, a condition can be: equal to, contains, starts with, or ends with.
    c. Enter the value for the attribute.
  4. Click OK to close the Add a Redaction Method window.
  5. Optional: To remove entities that no longer have links, select the Remove entities which have all their links removed check box.
  6. Click OK. In the Save as window, navigate to the directory in which you want to save the file. Enter a name for the redacted chart and click Save. The chart is saved as a redacted copy, and a Cover Sheet window is shown.
  7. Click OK to close the Cover Sheet window.
  8. A summary of the redacted chart is shown. Select the next steps, then click OK. For example, you can open the redacted chart.