Creating and editing conditional formatting specifications

You can create conditional formatting specifications that contain rules that are specific to the work that you are currently undertaking. By creating you own specifications, you can ensure that the rules that are set up match the conditions that you would like to extenuate in your data.


To create, edit, delete, or duplicate a conditional formatting specification:
  1. To open the Conditional Formatting pane, click the Style tab, and then click Conditional Formatting > Conditional Formatting Pane.
  2. In the Conditional Formatting pane, from the commands in the Actions panel at the bottom of the pane, select:
    New Specification Create a conditional formatting specification to which you can add rules. The Edit Conditional Formatting Specification window is shown.
    Edit Selected Specification Edit the conditional formatting specification that is selected in the upper part of the Conditional Formatting pane. The Edit Conditional Formatting Specification window is shown.
    The Edit Conditional Formatting Specification window opens.
  3. Using the following options, you can add and modify the rules that the specification contains. In the Rules page, select:
    New To add a conditional formatting rule. The New Rule window is shown, in which you specify what the rule affects and what the actions of the rule are based on. For more information, see Adding rules to a conditional formatting specification.
    Edit To edit an existing conditional formatting rule. The Edit Rule window is shown. You can edit the rule to change what the rule affects and what the actions of the rule are based on. For more information, see Adding rules to a conditional formatting specification.
    Duplicate Duplicate a rule. By duplicating an existing rule, you have a copy to edit.
    Delete To delete a rule.
    Up To move a rule upwards in the order in the list of rules.
    Rule ordering is significant as rules are carried out sequentially, and previous rules may prevent subsequent actions.
    Down To move a rule downwards in the order in the list of rules.
    Rule ordering is significant as rules are carried out sequentially, and previous rules may prevent subsequent actions.
  4. You can enter the following properties on the Details page:
    • Subject
    • Author
    • Keywords
    • Category
    • Comments
    • Custom properties
  5. Click Save.