Configuring Infotips

You can configure Infotips to display the information that is of greatest interest to you. You can choose which properties Infotips display, and you can configure the order of some of the information.

About this task

The configuration applies to every Infotip that Analyst's Notebook displays.


To configure Infotips:
  1. Hover over an item on your chart to display an Infotip.
  2. Click Configure in the lower right of the Infotip.
  3. Select which properties to display in Infotips:
    Attributes Displays attributes that have a value. To choose which attributes to display and to configure their order, click Select.
    Analysis Attributes Displays analysis attributes that have a value. To choose which analysis attributes to display and to configure their order, click Select.
    Date & Time Displays the item's date and time.
    Line Strength Displays the item's line strength.
    Description Displays the item's description.
    Grades and Source Displays the grade and source information about the item. Grade and source information from cards is not displayed.
    Linked Items Displays a reference for each link to an entity. Clicking a reference pans to the linked item and centers it in the window.

    Use the Sort By list to choose how the linked items are sorted, and the Order list to choose ascending or descending order.

    Cards Displays a summary and link for each card that is attached to the item. Clicking the link displays the card.
    Data Record Source Names Displays a list of the sources of the data records that are attached to the item.
    Data Record Properties Displays the properties of each data record that is attached to the item.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.