Working with custom types

If the i2 Analyze server that you're connected to doesn't provide item types that represent the items in your data, you can create custom entity and link types for use in Analyst's Notebook charts.


To create a custom entity type:

  1. If the Insert from Palette panel is not visible, then from the Home tab, select Insert from Palette.

  2. In the panel, click the Custom Item Types Custom Icon Types
    drop-down in the entity pane, and then select New Custom Entity Type to display the New Custom Entity Type dialog.

  3. Type a name for your new custom entity type in the Name field.

    When you finish creating the type, Analyst's Notebook adds a code to the end of the name to ensure that it's unique.

  4. If you select Automatically add to opened charts, the new type is added to the Custom palette in this chart, in other open charts, and in charts that you open or create in future.

  5. To provide an icon for the custom type, click Select in the Icon box and choose one.

    If you want to use a custom icon, see Custom icons for more information. If you do not select an icon, your custom type uses the default icon shown.

  6. Click OK to finish creating the type.

    Note: You cannot edit the name or icon of a custom type after you create it. If you're not happy with a new custom type, you must delete it and create another.

To create a custom link type:

  1. If the Insert from Palette panel is not visible, then from the Home tab, select Insert from Palette.

  2. In the panel, click the Custom Item Types Custom Icon Types
    drop-down in the entity pane, and then select New Custom Link Type to display the New Custom Link Type dialog.

  3. Type a name for your new custom link type in the Name field.

    When you finish creating the type, Analyst's Notebook adds a code to the end of the name to ensure that it's unique.

  4. If you select Automatically add to opened charts, the new type is added to the Custom palette in this chart, in other open charts, and in charts that you open or create in future.

  5. Select the default summarization for your custom link type from the options available: Single, Directed, or Multiple. To find out more, see Link summarization.


Your new entity and link types are available for creating items on the chart, and can be easily located in the Custom palette. If you selected Automatically add to opened charts or saved the chart, your custom types are available the next time you open Analyst's Notebook.

Records created with custom types are not aligned to the i2 Analyze schema. They cannot be uploaded to the Information Store, or distributed to other analysts using the Share Records function.

Note: If you have a custom entity or link type in the palette that is not configured to be automatically added, or is not used anywhere on the chart, it is not saved to the palette and will not be available the next time you open the application.