Deleting mapping schemes

You can delete mapping schemes only when they are not associated with the current chart, and they are not set as the default mapping scheme.


To delete a mapping scheme:
  1. From the toolbox, select Mapping Schemes.
  2. From the Select mapping schemes list, select the mapping scheme that you want to delete.
  3. Break any associations between the mapping scheme and the current chart.
  4. Unload the mapping scheme by selecting and loading a different mapping scheme or no mapping scheme. (None).
  5. From the Select mapping schemes list, reselect the mapping scheme that you want to delete, and click Delete.
    Attention: It is possible to delete a mapping scheme that is associated with a chart that is not open (or an open chart that is not current). When you open that chart (or make it current), Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri displays a message to indicate that it cannot find the associated mapping scheme.