Understanding the results configuration file

In the results configuration file, you specify the schema item types, and their associated property types and metadata criteria, by which users can filter search results. By defining the filtering behavior for different entity and link types, you can refine the filtering to make it as valuable as possible for your users.

The results configuration file has the following basic shape:

<!-- Results configuration for Law_Enforcement_Schema.xml -->
<tns:ResultsConfiguration ...>
    <Facets InlineLimit="5" ViewAllLimit="100">
        <!-- Address -->
        <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET1" Subfacets="ExcludeSpecific">
            <!-- Unique Reference -->
            <PropertyTypeFacet TypeId="ADD1" />
            <MetadataFacet Criterion="NotesCreatedBy" />

The InLineLimit setting controls the number of values shown for facets in the results grid. Here, the InLineLimit is set to the default value of 5. This means that up to 5 values are shown in each facet. You can increase the value, but doing so increases the size of the facets list in the user interface. The ViewAllLimit refers to the number of values shown for a facet in the More view. The default value for is ViewAllLimit is 100. For both settings, higher values can impact performance.

The <ItemTypeFacet> element is used to declare which item type you are defining property types and metadata criteria for. The value of the TypeId attribute specifies the item type. This value corresponds to the Id value of an <EntityType> or <LinkType> in the schema.

Important: For item types that are defined in gateway or connector schemas, you must augment the item type identifier with the short name of its schema. If the type in the previous example was defined in a gateway schema with the short name External, then the <ItemTypeFacet> element changes:

        <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET1-external" Subfacets="ExcludeSpecific">

In these augmented identifiers, the short name is always in lower-case letters, and any whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters are converted to single hyphens. Furthermore, the short name is always separated from the original identifier with a hyphen.

Property types are specified in child <PropertyTypeFacet> elements. The value of the TypeId attribute specifies the property type. This value corresponds to the Id value of a <PropertyType> in the i2 Analyze schema.

Metadata criteria are specified in child <MetadataFacet> elements. The value of the Criterion attribute specifies the metadata criterion and can have the following values:

  • FirstUploaded

    The date that the record was first uploaded to the Information Store.

  • FirstUploadedBy

    The display name of the user who first uploaded the record.

  • LastUploaded

    The date that the record was last uploaded to the Information Store.

  • LastUploadedBy

    The display name of the user who last uploaded the record.

  • NotesCreatedBy

    The display name of a user who added a note to the record.

  • SourceRefSourceName

    The name of a source that appears in the source references for the record.

  • SourceRefSourceType

    The type of a source that appears in the source references for the record.

  • IngestionDataSourceName

    The data source name that the record was ingested from.

    If the record was uploaded from Analyst's Notebook, the IngestionDataSourceName is automatically set to ANALYST.

  • StorageLocation

    For a record that was found through an external search, the location where the record is stored. At this version of the software, the values that users might see are Information Store and Other.

Note: Any child <MetadataFacet> elements must be specified after all of the child <PropertyTypeFacet> elements within an <ItemTypeFacet> element.

In the <ItemTypeFacet> element, the value of the Subfacets attribute defines the method for specifying the property types and metadata criteria.

The Subfacets attribute can have the following values:

  • All

    All property types of this item type and metadata criteria are available as filterable options for the results. This behavior is the default if an item type is not added to the results configuration file. For example:

    <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET5" Subfacets="All" />

    Declaring this fragment while working with the law enforcement schema will allow you to filter by 'Person' and by all the available properties and metadata.

    Note: You must not specify any child elements when the value of the Subfacets attribute is All.

  • IncludeSpecific

    Specific property types and metadata criteria for this item type are displayed in the filtering lists. For example:

    <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET5" Subfacets="IncludeSpecific">
        <PropertyTypeFacet TypeId="PER4" />
        <PropertyTypeFacet TypeId="PER6" />
        <MetadataFacet Criterion="NotesCreatedBy" />

    Declaring this fragment while working with the law enforcement schema will allow you to filter by 'Person' and by 'First (Given) Name', 'Family Name', and 'NotesCreatedBy'.

    Note: You must specify at least one child <PropertyTypeFacet> or <MetadataFacet> element when the value of the Subfacets attribute is IncludeSpecific.

  • ExcludeSpecific

    Specific property types and metadata criteria for this item type are excluded from the filtering lists. For example:

    <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET3" Subfacets="ExcludeSpecific">
        <PropertyTypeFacet TypeId="VEH2" />
        <MetadataFacet Criterion="FirstUploaded" />

    Declaring this fragment while working with the law enforcement schema will allow you to filter by 'Vehicle', but not by 'License Plate Number' or 'FirstUploaded'.

    Note: You must specify at least one child <PropertyTypeFacet> or <MetadataFacet> element when the value of the Subfacets attribute is ExcludeSpecific.

  • None

    No property types of this item type and metadata criteria are available for filtering. For example:

    <ItemTypeFacet TypeId="ET5" Subfacets="None" />

    Declaring this fragment while working with the law enforcement schema will allow you to filter by 'Person' but not by any of the properties of the Person type (such as eye color), nor any of the metadata criteria.

    Note: You must not specify any child elements when the value of the Subfacets attribute is None.

Additionally, you can disable all property type and metadata criteria for faceting by using the PropertyTypeFacetsEnabled and MetadataFacetsEnabled attributes of the <Facets> element. By default, both property type and metadata criteria are enabled for faceting. To disable, set the attribute values to false.