The source-reference-schema.xml file

The source reference schema XML file has the following structure. You can use this reference and example information when you create your own source reference schema file.


The <sourceReferenceSchema> element is the root of the configuration file.

<sourceReferenceSchemaFragments>, <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment>

The <sourceReferenceSchemaFragments> element can contain one or more <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment> child elements.

The <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment> defines the values that analysts can use for the source name and source type for a particular set of item types.

The itemTypeIds attribute specifies the item types within a set. You must use the item type IDs that come from the i2 Analyze schema for the itemTypeIds attribute. You can specify multiple item type IDs as a comma-separated list. If you do not specify any item type IDs, the restrictions apply to all item types that are not referenced elsewhere in the source reference schema.

For example, to make a set for the source references associated with charts and the item type with ID "ET5":

  <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment itemTypeIds="CHART,ET5">

The <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment> can contain one child <sourceName> element and one child <sourceType> element.


The <sourceName> element contains the possible values that analysts can use as a source name.

The logicalType attribute defines whether analysts must choose a value or can provide their own values. The values for the logicalType attribute are:

  • SELECTED_FROM - You provide a list of source names that analysts can use.

  • SUGGESTED_FROM - You provide a list of source names that analysts can use and they can create their own.

  • SINGLE_LINE_STRING - Analysts create their own source names.

If you specify the SELECTED_FROM or SUGGESTED_FROM logical types, use the child <possibleValues> element to specify the values that analysts can use.


The <sourceType> element contains the possible values that analysts can use as a source type.

The logicalType attribute defines whether analysts must choose a value or can provide their own values. The values for the logicalType attribute are:

  • SELECTED_FROM - You provide a list of source types that analysts can use.

  • SUGGESTED_FROM - You provide a list of source types that analysts can use and they can create their own.

  • SINGLE_LINE_STRING - Analysts create their own source types.

The mandatory attribute defines whether analysts must specify a value for the source type when they create a source reference. The possible values are true and false.

If you specify the SELECTED_FROM or SUGGESTED_FROM logical types, use the child <possibleValues> element to specify the values that analysts can use.

<possibleValues>, <possibleValue>

The <possibleValues> element contains child <possibleValue> elements. You can specify the <possibleValues> element when its parent element specifies SELECTED_FROM or SUGGESTED_FROM for the logicalType attribute.

The value attribute of the <possibleValue> element contains the value that is displayed to analysts to select.


In this example, analysts can create source references for charts with the source name "Local Police Department" or "Analyst Team 1" to describe the source of the chart.

For item type ET5, for the source name, analysts can use one of the three possible values from the selected-from list. For the source type, they can use one of the three values in the suggested-from list, or provide their own value.

For all other item types, analysts can use any values for the name and type.

    xsi:schemaLocation=" SourceReferenceSchema.xsd">

    <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment itemTypeIds="CHART" >
      <sourceName logicalType="SELECTED_FROM">
          <possibleValue value="Local Police Department"/>
          <possibleValue value="Analyst Team 1"/>
      <sourceType logicalType="SINGLE_LINE_STRING" mandatory="false">

    <sourceReferenceSchemaFragment itemTypeIds="ET5" >
      <sourceName logicalType="SELECTED_FROM">
          <possibleValue value="Police Department"/>
          <possibleValue value="Phone Network"/>
          <possibleValue value="Social Media"/>

      <sourceType logicalType="SUGGESTED_FROM" mandatory="true">
          <possibleValue value="Crime Report"/>
          <possibleValue value="RFI - Cell Data"/>
          <possibleValue value="RFI - Social Media"/>

      <sourceName logicalType="SINGLE_LINE_STRING">
      <sourceType logicalType="SINGLE_LINE_STRING" mandatory="false">
