The Solr template configuration file

The Solr template configuration file that is provided in the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit contains commented-out templates for a number of languages.

Root element

i2 Analyze elements

Solr elements

Root element


<SolrSchemaTemplate> is the root element of the Solr template configuration file. It references the SolrSchemaTemplate.xsd file and version number. Do not change the value for the Version attribute.

  xsi:schemaLocation=" SolrSchemaTemplate.xsd "

i2 Analyze elements


In the Solr index, analyzers are used to examine the text that is stored in the index. Two of the analyzers that i2 Analyze uses are the free_text and text_facet analyzers. In the template file, the analyzer is specified in the Analyzer attribute of the <Definition> element.

<Definition Analyzer="free_text">

<Definition Analyzer="text_facet">


The <AnalyzerChain> element is a container for the Solr elements in the analyzer chain. The <AnalyzerChain> element is a child of the <Definition> element.

<Definition Analyzer="free_text">


The <PostSynonyms> element is a container for the Solr elements in the analyzer chain that are applied after the synonym filter. The <PostSynonyms> element is a child of the <Definition> element, specified after the <AnalyzerChain> element.

<Definition Analyzer="free_text">
  <AnalyzerChain> ... </AnalyzerChain>


The Path attribute of the <SynonymsFile> element contains the file name of the synonyms file to use. The <SynonymsFile> element is at the same level as the <Definition> element.

<SynonymsFile Path="synonyms-ar_EG.txt" />

Solr elements

The <tokenizer> and <filter> are directly converted to Solr. For more information about the elements, see Understanding Analyzers, Tokenizers, and Filters.

In the Solr template configuration, the <tokenizer> and <filter> elements can be child elements of the <AnalyzerChain> and <PostSynonyms> elements.

Note: The <tokenizer> element can be specified as a child of the <Definition> element where Analyzer="free_text".