The security schema file

An i2 Analyze security schema file is an XML file with a relatively simple structure. Security dimensions and security permissions are defined in separate sections of the file.

In outline, the <SecuritySchema> root element of a security schema contains child elements for the dimension and permission definitions:

  <SecurityDimensions Id="" Version="">
      <Dimension ...>
        <DimensionValue ... />

    <GroupPermissions ...>
      <Permissions ...>
        <Permission ... />

The <SecurityDimensions> element has attributes for the Id and Version of the schema. If you modify any part of the security schema, retain the identifier but increment the version number. In this way, you ensure that all i2 data stores and services are informed of the changes.

In a valid security schema, the <AccessSecurityDimensions> element must be present, and there must be at least one <GroupPermissions> element inside <SecurityPermissions>.