Configuring a privacy prompt

Clients that connect to i2 Analyze can display a prompt to users that they must accept before they can connect to the server. If the user rejects the prompt, they cannot connect to i2 Analyze.

About this task

To set up a privacy prompt, you must provide the content of the prompt that your users are required to accept and how often they are required to accept it. For example, you might write the content of the prompt to ensure users do not access data unnecessarily or search for information about people they know that are not under investigation.


Complete the following steps to enable and configure the privacy prompt:

  1. Modify the toolkit/configuration/fragments/common/privacyagreement.html file to display the content of your privacy prompt.

  2. Configure i2 Analyze to enable the privacy prompt and specify how frequently users must accept it.

    1. To enable the prompt, in the toolkit/configuration/fragments/opal-services/WEB-INF/classes/ file, set the EnablePrivacyPrompt property to true. For example:

    2. To configure the time period before users receive the prompt again, in the toolkit/configuration/fragments/opal-services/WEB-INF/classes/ file, set the PrivacyAcceptancePeriodDays property to the value in days when the prompt should be displayed again. For example:


      If you do not set a value for PrivacyAcceptancePeriodDays, users will not receive another prompt until all privacy agreements are reset.

  3. Run the following command from the toolkit/scripts directory on your Liberty server to update the application with your changes:

    setup -t deployLiberty


The next time that a user logs in to i2 Analyze, they must accept or reject your privacy prompt.

What to do next

You can reset the privacy prompt acceptance status for all users by using a deployment toolkit task. For example, if you change the wording of the prompt, you might want to ensure that all analysts accept the new agreement. To reset the acceptance status, run the following commands from the toolkit/scripts directory on your Liberty server:

setup -t resetPrivacyAgreements
setup -t restartLiberty

You can also complete these actions on a running server by using the associated admin endpoints. Configuration changes completed by the admin endpoints do not persist after a server redeployment. For more information about the admin endpoints, see Using the admin endpoints.