How to maintain your merged property values definition view

The merged property values definition views include all of the property types for an item type as they were when the view was created. If you change the i2 Analyze schema to add a property type to an item type, the merged property values definition view is now incorrect.

The merged property values definition view does not contain a column for the new property type, and therefore cannot populate an i2 Analyze record with a value for that property. When you add property types to the i2 Analyze schema for an item type, you must update any merged property values definition view to include any new property types. i2 Analyze updates the merge contributors view when the schema is updated, you can use the updated merge contributors view to see the name of the new column.

Note: If you do not update your merged property values definition view, you cannot ingest data into the Information Store.

To stop controlling the property values of merged records for an item type, you can inform i2 Analyze that you no longer intend to use this function. Inform i2 Analyze by running the disableMergedPropertyValues toolkit task. You can specify schemaTypeId=<ItemTypeId> to remove the views for one item type only, or without any arguments to remove the views for every item type in the i2 Analyze schema. After you run the toolkit task, the default source-last-updated-time behavior is used.

You can modify the merged property values definition view or run the disableMergedPropertyValues toolkit task at any time. The property values of i2 Analyze records that are already in the Information Store are not updated. If you ingest any data that updates an existing i2 Analyze record, the property values for that record are recalculated with the new merged property values definition view.