Restricting the length of Visual Query lists

When a Visual Query is constructed by a user, certain conditions allow the values to be specified as a list. The length of these lists can be restricted to reduce the size of messages from the client.

About this task

By default, the number of items that can be used in a list condition for a visual query condition is set to 10000. If you reduce this value, the number of values that can be applied to conditions of this type is reduced.

If you follow this procedure in a deployment that provides high availability, you must complete each step on every Liberty server in your environment before you move to the next step.


To modify the list length:

  1. Using a text editor, open the file. You can find this file in the following location: toolkit\configuration\fragments\opal-services\WEB-INF\classes.

  2. Edit the value of VisualQueryMaxValuesInList.

  3. Save and close the file.

Redeploy i2 Analyze to update the application with your changes:

  1. In a command prompt, navigate to the toolkit\scripts directory.

  2. Stop Liberty:

    setup -t stopLiberty
  3. Update the i2 Analyze application:

    setup -t deployLiberty
  4. Start Liberty:

    setup -t startLiberty

What to do next

Run a selection of Visual Queries that use conditions including lists. Continue to change the configuration until you are satisfied with the lists in your Visual Queries that use conditions.