Setting default dimension values

When users create i2 Analyze records in Analyst's Notebook, i2 Analyze applies a default set of dimension values to each record. You specify those dimension values in the security schema file.

About this task

You might change the default security dimension values that are applied to records for different reasons:

  • If you change the dimensions or dimension values in your security schema

  • If the security requirements of your deployment change.

Regardless of your reason for changing the default security dimension values, or when the values are applied, each record must have at least one dimension value from each security dimension.

If you follow this procedure in a deployment that provides high availability, you must complete each step on every Liberty server in your environment before you move to the next step.


  1. Using an XML editor, open the security schema file for the deployment.

    The security schema file is in the toolkit\configuration\fragments\common\WEB-INF\classes directory. The name of the file is specified in the DynamicSecuritySchemaResource property of the file in the same directory.

  2. Update the value of the <DefaultSecurityDimensionValues> element with a comma-separated list of identifiers of security dimension values that you want to be applied by default. For example, <DefaultSecurityDimensionValues>CON,OSI,HI</DefaultSecurityDimensionValues>

    In a standard deployment of i2 Analyze, a supplied implementation of the DefaultSecurityDimensionValuesProvider that applies dimension values from the <DefaultSecurityDimensionValues> element is used. You can create your own implementation that does not use these values by using i2 Analyze Developer Essentials.

  3. In a command prompt, navigate to the toolkit\scripts directory.

  4. Stop Liberty:

    setup -t stopLiberty
  5. Update and redeploy the system:

    setup -t updateSecuritySchema
    setup -t deployLiberty
  6. Start Liberty:

    setup -t startLiberty

Note: The default dimension values that user-created records receive have no connection with the dimension values that ingested records receive. For information about those values, see Ingestion mapping files.