Modifying the remote Db2 database configuration

You can change the configuration attributes of your remote Db2 databases in the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit. To modify the remote database configuration, you must recatalog the remote nodes.

About this task

When you recatalog a remote node, the existing node is removed from the Db2 node directory and is then cataloged again with the updated configuration values.

If you need to configure security settings on the connection, you can recatalog the remote nodes manually, instead of using the tasks that are in the deployment toolkit. To recatalog the remote nodes manually, you can use the Db2 UNCATALOG NODE and CATALOG TCPIP/TCPIP4/TCPIP6 NODE commands.

You run the UNCATALOG NODE and CATALOG NODE commands manually instead of using the recatalogRemoteDB2Nodes task. For more information about the commands, see UNCATALOG NODE command and CATALOG TCPIP/TCPIP4/TCPIP6 NODE command.

Note: The catalogRemoteDB2Nodes and recatalogRemoteDB2Nodes tasks use the Db2 CATALOG TCPIP NODE command. The following table shows how the CATALOG command parameters map to the values in the topology.xml file:
CATALOG TCPIP NODE command parameters <database> element attributes
TCPIP NODE nodename node-name
REMOTE hostname host-name
SERVER port number port-number
REMOTE_INSTANCE instance-name instance-name


  1. Change the host name, port, and operating system type attributes of the remote database:
    1. Using an XML editor, open toolkit\configuration\environment\topology.xml.
    2. Update the host-name and port-number attribute values of the <database> element for the database.
    3. Run the following command to recatalog the remote node:
      setup -t recatalogRemoteDB2Nodes
  2. Change the node name attribute of the remote database:
    1. Run the following command to uncatalog the remote node:
      setup -t uncatalogRemoteDB2Nodes
    2. Using an XML editor, open toolkit\configuration\environment\topology.xml.
    3. Update the node-name attribute values of the <database> element for the database.
    4. Run the following command to catalog the remote node:
      setup -t catalogRemoteDB2Nodes

What to do next

The next time that you deploy i2 Analyze, or recreate the database, the database is created using the new values that you provided in the topology.xml.