The client certificate is used to log in and authenticate a user with i2 Analyze. Use the
Java keytool utility to create a self-signed certificate.
About this task
Create a self-signed certificate to use as a client certificate to demonstrate a working
configuration. If you are using client certificates that are signed by a certificate authority, you
do not need to complete the following instructions.
Create a keystore and
self-signed certificate for a user by using the
Java keytool utility.
- Open a command prompt
and navigate to the
Create a keystore and certificate.
For example, run the following
keytool -genkeypair -alias "username" -keystore "C:\i2\i2analyze\username.p12" -dname "CN=username" -keyalg RSA -storepass "password"
Ensure that the value of
CN matches the name of a user in the
user registry for i2 Analyze.
If you are using the example user registry, set the
Note: The user name cannot contain a comma (,).
Note: You will use the keystore to install the certificate on a client machine later.
Export the certificate from the keystore.
For example, run the following
keytool -exportcert -alias "username" -keystore "C:\i2\i2analyze\username.p12" -file "C:\i2\i2analyze\username.der" -storepass "password"
Note: You will import the certificate into the Liberty truststore later.