
This glossary provides terms and definitions for the iBase software and products.

The following cross-references are used in this glossary:
  • See refers you from a nonpreferred term to the preferred term or from an abbreviation to the spelled-out form.
  • See also refers you to a related or contrasting term.


abstract semantic type
A semantic type that only serves as the parent of other semantic types. Abstract semantic types categorize their child semantic types, but are never associated with real data.
A person responsible for administrative tasks such as access authorization and content management. Administrators can also grant levels of authority to users.
A message or other indication that signals an event or an impending event that meets a set of specified criteria.
alert definition
The statement of criteria that trigger an alert.
See automatic license plate recognition.
A member that exists at a higher level than another member in a hierarchy and is connected by a series of parent-child relationships.
See automatic number plate recognition.
To record information about database or instance activity by applications or individuals.
audit log
A log file containing a record of system events and responses.
audit trail
A chronological record of events or transactions. An audit trail is used for examining or reconstructing a sequence of events or transactions, managing security, and recovering lost transactions.
automatic license plate recognition (ALPR)
A technology composed of separate devices that is used to detect, capture, and store visual information pertaining to a license plate.
automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
See automatic license plate recognition.


calculated measure
A measure whose values are calculated from other measures, calculated measures, functions, and numeric constants in an arithmetic equation.
The information that is contained within a database that pertains to a particular investigation.
A visual representation of real-world objects, such as organizations, people, events, or locations, and the relationships between them.
charting scheme
A definition that describes how item data behaves when it is visualized on a chart. For example, how data is copied into chart item properties, the chart template and labeling scheme to use, and whether to display attributes and pictures.
In a generalization relationship, the specialization of another element, the parent.
A specified property, a value, and an operator that defines a comparison relationship between them. One or more conditions can be used to create a query or a conditional formatting specification. See also parameterized query.


An entity that is attached to a link. See also end constraint.
end constraint
A constraint on the types of entities that can be the end of a particular link. See also end, valid end type.
A set of details that are held about a real-world object such as a person, location, or bank account. An entity is a kind of item.
entity semantic type
A semantic type that can be assigned only to an entity or an entity type. See also semantic type.
entity type
A descriptor of the characteristics of an entity, including the properties it can contain and its appearance in visualizations.
excluded word list
A list of words that are ignored when they are entered as search terms.
A process that searches for entities within a data source that are directly related to some selected entities.


A rating that indicates the accuracy of a piece of information or the reliability of an intelligence source.
grading system
A rating scale that is used to classify information in a data store or on a chart. A grading system is a measure of reliability and accuracy.


import design
A specification of how data from an external source will be transformed into chart or repository items during an import procedure.
An entity or a link. Items are characterized by the values of their properties. See also merged item.


labeling scheme
A specification for combining property values to be displayed on screen, or as chart item labels.
The arrangement of items on a chart.
line strength
An indication of confidence in the information underlying a particular link. Line strength is represented as a solid, dashed, or dotted line on a chart.
An association between two entities, such as an ownership relationship between a person and a vehicle.
link direction
An indication that the meaning of a link is different for each of its ends. For example, the direction of a telephone call makes one end the caller and the other the recipient. Link direction can influence the centrality measures used in social network analysis.
link semantic type
A semantic type that can be assigned only to a link or a link type. See also semantic type.
link type
A descriptor of the characteristics of a link, including the properties it can contain and its appearance in visualizations.


mapping scheme
A set of rules that determines how information is displayed on a map.
The part of a result that met a condition during a search operation. A search can yield a perfect match or a partial match.
merged item
An item that is created by merging the information held in two or more items. See also item.


parameterized query
A query with conditions in which one or more parameters are defined. The parameter values are set by the user. See also condition.
In a hierarchy or auto-level hierarchy, a member that has one or more child members at the level immediately below.
A route on a chart between two entities. A path may include intermediate entities.
pick list
A data category that has a limited number of permissible values, which are often presented in a drop-down list in the user interface.
A method of rearranging data in a data set to reveal patterns in the data.
A container for a single piece of information about an item.
property semantic type
A semantic type that can be assigned to a property type, a property in a data record, or an attribute class. See also semantic type.
property type
A descriptor of the characteristics of a property, including the type of information it can contain.


A complete description of all the entity types, link types, and their associated property types that are available for items within a system.
semantic type
A category that defines the real-world meaning of data, and therefore how applications should interpret that data. For example, Person is a semantic type that could be assigned to entity types such as Male, Victim, and Witness. See also entity semantic type, link semantic type, property semantic type.
source reference
An identifier that indicates the source of information, for example, a document reference number.


valid end type
An entity type that conforms to the end constraints of a particular link. See also end constraint.