Document templates

You can use templates to produce consistent reports in your chosen style. The easiest way to do this is to create a simple report and change the settings, formats, and styles for your requirements.

Template files can be saved as a Microsoft Word document or template, in the same folder as the iBase database. The file name must start with the name of the database for it to be recognized as valid.

You can use a template to create standard reports. If you want to make a change to the format of the standard report, simply change the document or template and all subsequent reports will incorporate the changes. Microsoft Word documents and templates can also include standard text and graphics.

To create a template:
  1. In the report wizard, enter the details of the report in the usual way. Set up a simple report based on a single entity type and the required link types.
  2. On the second page, in the Output to area, select Microsoft Word and then specify a file name and location. You can choose any location and file name that has the .doc file extension.
  3. Turn on Open report when complete to specify that you want to start Microsoft Word as soon as the report is ready.
  4. Click Finish. Microsoft Word is started and the report is displayed. This report has very basic formatting but is a suitable basis for setting up the document for use as a template.
  5. Copy the document into the same folder as the iBase database file (*.idb). Check that the file name starts with the database name.