Exact searching

In an exact search, you are searching for records that are an exact match to your search terms. For example, an exact search for Ford Thunderbirds will not find results that contain Ford Thunderbird (singular).

To do an exact search for one or more words:
  1. In the Search 360 dialog, click the Advanced button.
  2. Turn on Exact matches and turn off the options in the Include area.
  3. Enter the exact words, and any related items, that you want to search for.
  4. If your search is for two or more words, select one of the following:
    • Strong matches only to find the matches that contain all your search words (but not necessarily in the order you gave them)
    • Include weak matches to find partial matches, for example a search for Ford thunderbird might match on the word Ford, leading to results that include other types of Ford as well as unspecified Fords
      Tip: To search for both the single and plural form of a word, enter both forms of the word and select the Include weak matches option.