Auditing records from external databases

In a database with an audit level of 4 or 5, the audit log can record data from a named field whenever it logs an audited action specific to an entity or link record. The value is displayed in the Extra Detail column of the audit log.

A field needs to be specified provides the extra detail:
  • In the Create New Database or Database Properties, enter the field name in Extra Detail for Audit Log.

The Extra Detail for Audit Log has a specific application that requires some detailed work when designing and creating databases.

The specific application is to import data from an external database and maintain a way of associating records in the external database with records in the iBase database. The imported records must have a unique reference from the external database.
  1. In iBase Designer, create a field or standard field to hold a unique reference from the external database. You need to add this to all entity and link types that might be linked to external records.
    This field must have the same name in all those entity and link types. Using a standard field is a convenient way to ensure this consistency.
    Note: The standard field is also present in entity and link types that are not imported, but you can set the default value so that in these non-imported types the field is blank or has a non-conflicting value.
  2. In the Advanced page of the Database Properties dialog:
    1. Set the Extra Detail for Audit Log field to the name of the iBase field holding the unique reference.
    2. Select either audit level 4 or 5 so that the audit log records actions on specific records. This means potentially large audit logs.
  3. When you import data from an external source, import the unique identifier used in the external database or system into the field that you have created to hold a unique reference.
After you have done all this, the audit log will record the value of the named field for all actions affecting imported records, in the Extra Detail column. The audit log will also record the iBase unique identifier, in the Record ID column.