Formatting a Microsoft Word document as a template

How to format a Microsoft Word document as a template for use with iBase.


  1. In Microsoft Word, format the document as required. For example in Microsoft Word 2003, click anywhere in the paragraph and, from the Format menu, select Styles and Formatting. Modify the displayed style and apply the change.

  2. If required, tidy up the content of the report. For example, you might want to remove details of specific records and add some text in its place to demonstrate each of the Microsoft Word styles used by iBase. Users are able to display this document in the report wizard.

  3. From the File menu, select Save As and save the document in the same folder as your database. The file name should start with the name of the database.

  4. Test that the Microsoft Word document functions correctly as a template by generating a report from it.

  5. When you are satisfied that the document is correct, you can make it into the default Microsoft Word template for one or more report definitions. You do this by selecting it on the General page of the relevant report definitions.

    Note: If you want different parts of the report to have a different layout, you can insert section breaks. This allows each section to have its own formatting and page setup; for example you can have some sections of the report with a portrait page layout and some sections in a landscape layout, if the data is particularly suited to such presentation.