Installing from the command line

The i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium rich desktop client is installed using a Microsoft Windows Installer. You can use the msi command line options to install Analyst's Notebook Premium components.

Before you begin

Ensure that all Analyst's Notebook Premium prerequisites are installed before you install Analyst's Notebook Premium using the command line. You must uninstall previous versions of i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium when upgrading to version 10.0.0 or above.


  1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to the location of the Analyst's Notebook Premium msi file.
    Note: You can also provide the absolute file path to the msi file.
  3. Enter the command that specifies the components you would like to install in the following format:
    msiexec /i "i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 10.msi" <ADDITIONAL OPTIONS>
    Where the i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium specific additional options are:
    • INSTALLLEVEL - specify the install level of a feature set. Using this option ensures that you get all options at a level and all the options available at lower levels, ensuring all prerequisite features are present.
    • ADDLOCAL - specify specific features to install.
    • I2LIC_SERVERS - identifies the location of the license servers.
    • I2LIC_BROADCASTS_ENABLED - checks for license servers with available licenses on the network.
    For the i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium specific values that are available, see Analyst's Notebook Premium components. For a list of the Microsoft specific options use msiexec /h.
    Install Analyst's Notebook Premium silently
    msiexec /i "i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 10.msi" /qn
    Install Analyst's Notebook Premium Client components
    msiexec /i "i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 10.msi" INSTALLLEVEL=300
    Install Analyst's Notebook Premium with Esri Mapping
    msiexec /i "i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 10.msi" ADDLOCAL=i2Common,i2ANBP,EsriMaps /qn

What to do next

To find out about setting up a Chart Store, and connecting to external data sources using i2 Analyze, see Deploying the chart store and configuring connectors.