Background items

Background items are items that are placed on a layer beneath the chart. When an item is in the background, it is still visible but your interaction with it is limited.

You can think of background items as being trapped behind a sheet of glass. They are visible behind normal items, but cannot be selected, linked to or searched for like normal items. They are useful for:
  • Maps
  • Floor plans
  • Organizational crests
  • Watermarks

Any chart item can be set as a background item. Chart items include all entity representations (icons, theme lines, event frames, boxes, and so on) and links.

Actions that apply to background items

Items in the background:

  • Can be controlling, that is, they control the time bar at their location if they have a date and time and are ordered
  • Can be linked to normal items, if the link was added before the item was sent to the background

Actions that do not apply to background items

Items in the background:

  • Cannot be selected with left-click, like normal items
  • Will not be listed in the results of a search