Tools for adding shapes to a map

Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri provides several drawing tools for adding shapes to a map. You can use the shapes that you draw to conduct analysis with the geospatial analysis tools.

Tools are available for drawing each of the following shapes:

Shape Drawing tool Analysis tools
Point marker Click the Draw Point icon, then click the map. A flag icon identifies the selected point of interest. Draw Buffer, Calculate Service Area, Find Route
Freehand line Click the Draw Freehand icon, then click and drag the mouse to draw a line on the map. Release the mouse to finish drawing. Draw Buffer, Find Route
Rectangle Click the Draw Rectangle icon, then click and drag the mouse to draw a square or rectangle on the map. Release the mouse to finish drawing. Draw Buffer, Query a Feature Layer
Polyline Click the Draw Polyline icon, then click the map to identify the starting point of the polyline. Click elsewhere on the map to create further segments of the line. Double-click to finish drawing. Draw Buffer, Find Route
Polygon Click the Draw Polygon icon, then click the map to identify the starting point of the polygon. Click elsewhere on the map to create further points of the polygon. Double-click to finish drawing. Draw Buffer, Query a Feature Layer
Circle Click the Draw Circle icon, then click and drag the mouse to draw a circle on the map. Release the mouse to finish drawing.

Circles on the map are geodetic, which means that they follow the contours of the Earth. As a result, they might look slightly oval as you draw them. In some coordinate systems, circles can form odd shapes near map edges.

You cannot drag the radius of a circle outside of the valid extents of the coordinate system.
Draw Buffer, Query a Feature Layer