Setting up server connections

Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri automatically connects to servers that host maps from the default mapping scheme, or from the mapping scheme of the active chart. You can connect to other servers from within Analyst's Notebook.

About this task

The list of connections on the Options page of the Map Chart Items task pane can include any of the following server types:

  • Esri-owned servers
  • Servers that your organization maintains
  • Public-facing map servers

Connections that are made during Analyst's Notebook startup are shown with a status of Connected. Any other available servers are listed as Disconnected. You can make other servers available by setting up a new connection.


You can connect to a server in the list on the Options page by selecting it and clicking Connect. To set up a connection to a new server:
  1. On the Options page of the Map Chart Items task pane, below the Server Connections list, click New Connection.
  2. Enter a name for the new connection, and the whole service catalog address of the server.
    For example, enter in the Universal Resource Identifier field.
  3. Select the Authentication type that the ArcGIS server uses:
    • None
    • ArcGIS Token
    • Http: Basic or Integrated Windows Authentication

    If your Esri server has no security, then make this choice:

    • Select None as the Authentication type.

    If you are using client-side token-based security, then make this choice:

    • Select ArcGIS Token as the Authentication type.

      In this case, SSL is used to acquire a token from the server. To override the default token lifespan, you must edit the server endpoints configuration file.

    If you are using Basic or Integrated Windows authentication, then make this choice:

    1. Select Http and then select Basic or Integrated Windows Authentication, depending on the security settings for accessing the server. Leave the ArcGIS Token Proxy Page URI field blank.

    If you are using server-side token-based security, then make these choices:

    1. Select Http and then select Basic or Integrated Windows Authentication, depending on the security settings for accessing the proxy page.
    2. Enter an address in the ArcGIS Token Proxy Page URI field.
    If you use Integrated Windows™ Authentication, make sure that the server location is a trusted intranet site in Internet Explorer.
  4. Click Save.
    The newly created server connection is displayed in the Server Connections list with a status of Disconnected.
  5. To connect to the new server, click Connect. If necessary, enter your username and password.
    Your username and password are remembered during the current session. You can allow Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri to remember your username and password for future sessions by selecting Remember my credentials.

    If the connection fails, the status changes to Failed. Hover over the name of the server to obtain more details of why the connection failed.

    You can delete a server connection only if it is not one of the default servers, and its status is Disconnected.