Setting the font

You can set the font type, size, style, color, and the shading style of the text on the chart.


To set the font on an item:
  1. Right-click an item, and select Edit Item Properties. The Edit window is shown.
  2. Select Style > Font.
  3. Select a font to use in the Font area.
  4. Select the style of the font in the Font Style area.
    For example, you might want to show the font in bold, or italic.
  5. Select the size of the font in the Size area.
  6. Choose the font effects to use in the Effects area.
  7. Set the font color by selecting a color from the Color list.
  8. Set the shading style by selecting a shading style from the Shading list.
  9. Optional: Select Set Default Style to use the current settings as the default for the link or particular entity representation.
  10. When you are happy with the font that is shown in the Sample box, click OK.