Regular expressions

Regular expressions provide a way to search for a general pattern of text rather than a specific piece of text. For example, you can use a regular expression to search for license plates that are based on a partial sighting.

A regular expression is written as a sequence of characters. The syntax combines the text for which you are searching with special characters to define the pattern.

Unlike a simple search, a regular expression search is case-sensitive.
Table 1. Supported regular expression characters
Character Description
. Matches a single character. For example, ABC 123. matches ABC 1234 and ABC 1235.
This character is equivalent to the '?' character when you are searching for files by name in Windows Explorer.
^ Matches the start of a line. For example, ^ABC matches ABC 1234 and ABC 2345 but not 1234 ABC.
$ Matches the end of a line. For example, 1234$ matches ABC 1234 and CBA 1234 but not 1234 ABC.
* Matches zero, one or more repeats of the previous character. For example xx* matches xx, xxxxxxx
[] Matches any character inside the brackets. You can specify a range of characters, for example [0-9], [a-z].
[^] Matches any characters except the characters in the list. For example: [^ABC] matches any character other than "A", "B", or "C".
| Matches either the expression before the bar OR the expression after the bar. For example 1234$|1235$ matches any license plates that end in 1234 or 1235.
\ Ignores the special meaning of the next character. For example, abc$|def$|\|$matches any text that ends in abc, def or |.

Analyst's Notebook does not support extended regular expression combinations (), \(\), \>, \<, \{, \}, and \digit.