Default report specifications

Default report specifications are available. You can duplicate, edit, delete, and load these report specifications.

The following table describes the available default report specifications:

Option Descriptions
Full Report Contains a list of entities and links, with the following information for each:
  • Identity
  • Label
  • Ends (for links only)
  • Type
  • Strength
  • Date and time
  • Description
  • Grades
  • Source type
  • Source reference
  • Attributes
  • Cards
Empty fields remain blank.
List of Entities and Links Contains a list of entities and links, with the Type, Label, and Ends (for links only) information for each.
List of Entities and Links (Tabbed) Contains a list of entities and links, with the Type, Label, and Ends (for links only) information for each. Tabs are included between each field of information to make the report suitable to be pasted into a spreadsheet
Entity, Link and Card Grades (Tabbed) Contains a list of entities, links, and cards with their Grade information. Tabs are included between each field of information to make the report suitable to be pasted into a spreadsheet.
Entity, Link and Card Descriptions Contains a list of entities, links, and cards with their Label, Ends (for links only), and Description information. Cards are listed directly under the entity or link to which they belong.
All Cards Contains a list of cards, with the following information for each:
  • Chart item (the chart item to which the card belongs)
  • Summary
  • Time
  • Grade
  • Source type
  • Source reference
  • Contents