Loading and associating a mapping scheme with a chart

When you select a mapping scheme from the Layers tab, it is automatically loaded. When you select a mapping scheme from the toolbox, it is not automatically loaded, but you can choose to do so. When a mapping scheme is loaded, you can associate it with an open chart.


To load a mapping scheme into the Map window:
  1. From the toolbox, select Mapping Schemes.
  2. From the Select mapping scheme list, select the mapping scheme that you want to load and click Load.
    Any currently loaded mapping scheme is unloaded.
    You can also load a mapping scheme by selecting it from the Current mapping scheme list on the Layers tab.
  3. Optional: To associate the loaded mapping scheme with a chart, open the chart. Then, select Mapping Schemes from the toolbox, and click Associate with Chart.
    When you next open that chart, the mapping scheme is also loaded.
    The Associate with Chart option is only available if the mapping scheme is not already associated with the chart.
  4. Optional: To remove the association of a mapping scheme with a chart, select Mapping Schemes from the toolbox, and then click Break Association with Chart.
    The mapping scheme that is associated with the chart is removed. Alternatively, if you associate a different mapping scheme with the same chart, the association with the original mapping scheme is broken.
    The Break Association with Chart option is only available if the mapping scheme is already associated with the chart.