Layer groups

Layers contain information such as maps, items sent from Analyst's Notebook, the results of running a query, and shapes created with the drawing tools.

There are five layer groups. Each layer group can contain one or more layers of the same type.

Layer Group Contains

Chart layers

There is a separate chart layer for each Analyst's Notebook chart from which you map items. Only one chart layer is displayed at any time, corresponding to the active chart in Analyst's Notebook. The layer is removed when the chart is closed, or when all items are deleted from the layer. (The chart items might still exist on the chart, but no longer be mapped in the Map window).

Chart layers are saved as part of the chart. When you reopen a chart that contains mapped chart items, the chart layer is populated.

Chart layers are not saved as part of a mapping scheme.

Query results layers

The Results tab at the bottom of the Map window shows the results of running the following tools from the toolbox:

  • Calculating a service area
  • Drawing a buffer
  • Finding a route
  • Geocoding an address
  • Querying a feature layer

After you add the results to the map, they are displayed in a query results layer. A separate query results layer is created for each set of query results.

Drawings layer

Shapes are stored in a separate drawings layer. There is only one drawings layer, which contains all the shapes that you create by using the drawing tools in the Map window.

You can add, rename, move, rotate, modify, resize, reorder, and delete shapes in the drawings layer. You can use each type of shape as the input for one or more of the geospatial analysis tools in the toolbox.

Dynamic maps layers

Dynamic maps are generated in real time from currently available data each time the map refreshes. If the map is refreshed, for example, by panning and zooming, the displayed data might change.

The map does not update automatically. It must be refreshed by a user action.

A dynamic map is made up of feature layers. You can view or query each feature individually. You can also filter the feature information that is displayed on a dynamic map by selecting which feature layers to view.

Turning a feature layer on or off updates how the map is displayed. For example, a dynamic map for city neighborhoods might consist of feature layers for the locations of stores, museums, art galleries, and streets.

You can query a feature layer regardless of whether its dynamic map is loaded.

Base maps layers

Base maps are cached tile maps from an Esri server. One or more base maps can form the background on which other GIS items are overlaid. If the base maps do not have transparent backgrounds, only the top one is visible. You can overlay an Esri base map layer with chart layers, query results, dynamic maps, and drawings to build up your geospatial analysis.