Interpreting activity data

The Activity View displays information about item activity. It is important to understand the activities that the view detects and how to interpret the display when you analyze your data.

Each item that is added to the Activity View is represented by an individual row. If temporal data is selected for either an attached link or connected entity or onward link, secondary rows are added for each related item. You can choose whether these secondary rows are listed as groups of links in each connection or listed as separate links. To choose how the secondary rows are displayed, select or clear the Group by Connection options on the Added Items and Items Linked to Added Items lists where you select which properties to use.

For each row, each piece of temporal data is shown as a symbol that is placed against the timeline. The rows that belong to primary items contain indicators for all connected items, in addition to data stored on the primary item. Depending on the amount of activity and the scale of the timeline, the indicators might be merged to represent multiple properties.

Some of these activity indicators, for example link direction, are only visible if the relevant Indicator Colors options are selected in the Formatting Options window.
Table 1. Activity indicators
Activity indicator Description
A diamond with a circle in the middle Activity with a single temporal value stored on an entity.
An oval with a circle in the middle Activity with start and end values that relate to two temporal values of an entity. When an invalid duration occurs, for example when the start date and time occurs after the end date and time, the duration bar appears in an error color.
A diamond with a less than and a greater than sign Activity with a single temporal value that is stored as a property on a bidirectional link.
A diamond with a dash Activity with a single temporal value that is stored as a property on a nondirectional link.
A diamond with a red arrow pointing right Activity with a single temporal value that is stored as a property on a link that is directed from the primary entity.
A diamond with a black  arrow pointing left Activity with a single temporal value that is stored as a property on a link that is directed to the primary entity.
A diamond with a numeric count Multiple temporal values detected.
If more than nine temporal values are detected, this number is replaced by an asterisk.
A diamond with a black outline Activity indicator selected.
An elongated diamond with a dashed outline Multiple temporal values, some but not all of which are selected.

Hover over an activity indicator or the label of an item row for more information about the temporal data that is associated with the item. The summary provides the item label, and the data that is detected. For example, John Smith (Date & Time) 12/12/2013 06:00.