Copy and paste

When you copy and paste records between charts, Analyst's Notebook identifies and resolves matches between the records copied from the source chart and the records already present in the target chart.

For incoming records, that is the records copied from the source chart, Analyst's Notebook performs a series of checks to establish if matches exist among the records present in the target chart. When matches are found, Analyst's Notebook determines the best way to combine or unite the source and target records. This is a useful way of limiting duplication that can affect the quality of your analysis and clutter your charts.

Matching in copy and paste is based on three criteria, tested in this order:
  • Record identifiers
  • Source identifiers, provided by External Searches
  • System matching rules configured by your system administrator.
If a source record and target record match according to a criteria, they are combined and not examined further.

For pairs of records that did not match on their record identifiers, the result on the target chart depends on whether either record has previously been uploaded to the Information Store. For example, if the source record has previously been uploaded to the Information Store, it is given priority over a target record that has not. If neither record has been uploaded, the source record is again given priority.

Source record Target record Record Identifier
Not uploaded Not uploaded The record identifier of the source record is kept and the records are combined.
Uploaded Not uploaded The record identifier of the source record is kept and the records are combined.
Not Uploaded Uploaded The record identifier of the target record is kept and the records are combined.
Uploaded Uploaded The records are united behind a lead record.

Sometimes multiple records are found that all match each other. Analyst's Notebook determines the best source and target records based on:

  • System-governed records are preferred over analyst-governed records
  • The number of properties with values for system rule criteria
  • The number of properties with values
  • The record that was created first according to the time stamp.

When two records are brought together to form one record, their properties, notes, source references, and source identifiers are combined and any duplicate values are discarded. The security settings used belong to the record identifier that was kept. When records are united, one is assigned as the lead record, which is displayed on the chart. Each record grouped behind the lead record retains its own properties and values.

When you paste your copied records onto the chart, a status message tells you if matches are found and what action occurred, for example the number of pasted records that were combined with matching records. If some or all of your pasted records have multiple matches, the status message tells you that can resolve the matches by using Find Matching Records.