Time zones

When you create a chart that contains events that take place in different time zones, you can specify in which time zone each event took place.

Each item on your chart with a date and a time has a time zone. This time zone might or might not be the same as the time zone of the chart.

Date and time attributes do not have a time zone.

Chart time zone

The time zone of the chart is typically your local time, that is, the time where you are working. Analyst's Notebook reads the time zone in the date and time properties of your computer and applies that time zone to the chart. You can, if required, specify a different time zone for the chart.

The time zone of the chart is used:

  • In the time bar
  • As the default time zone when you create items with a date and time. The time zone of an item can then be changed to any other time zone.
  • When you set up features such as visual search

How do I find out which time zone the chart is in?

To view the time zone of the chart, follow one of these steps:

  • In the Chart Properties window, click Defaults > Date & Time. The Time Zone list displays the time zone of the chart.
  • Point the mouse pointer at any tick in the time bar. The tooltip that is displayed contains the time zone of the chart. To display the time bar on your chart, click the View tab, and then in the Show group, select the Time Bar checkbox.

Item time zone

All chart items with both a date and a time have a time zone that is associated with them. When the date and time are first set on a chart item, the time zone is the same as the time zone of the chart. The time zone of the item can then be changed to any other time zone.

The date and time of an item is displayed on the chart in its own time zone, by using the specified date & time format. The date & time format might or might not show the time zone name.