Updating the security schema

In the schema development environment, you can quickly make and deploy changes to the i2 Analyze security schema. Use this environment to develop the security schema for your production deployment.

About this task

Develop a security schema to meet your security requirements. Then update your schema development environment with the modified security schema.


  1. In an XML editor, either create a new security schema or open the one that is deployed in the schema development environment. For information about creating or modifying a security schema file for i2 Analyze, see The i2 Analyze Security schema.

    1. Save your security schema in the toolkit\configuration\fragments\common\WEB-INF\classes directory.

    2. Ensure that your security schema file is specified in configuration\fragments\common\WEB-INF\classes\ApolloServerSettingsMandatory.properties.

After you modify your security schema, update the deployment with your changes.

  1. Update and redeploy the system:

    setup -t updateSecuritySchema
    setup -t deployLiberty
  2. Start i2 Analyze:

    setup -t restartLiberty
  3. If you changed the names of the user groups in the security schema, update the basic user registry to match the new names. For more information, see Configuring the Liberty user registry.

  4. Test the changes to the security schema by connecting to the deployment in Analyst's Notebook as different users and changing the security permissions on records that you create.

What to do next

Repeat this process until your security schema meets your requirements. When your security schema development is complete, store your security schema and Liberty user registry files in a version control system.

This is not the final time that you can modify the security schema, but you should aim to have most of the security dimensions and dimension values defined.

After you finish developing your schema files, you can move to the next environment. For more information, see Configuration development environment.