Creating the test environment

In the test environment, you deploy i2 Analyze with the configuration that you developed previously. With i2 Analyze deployed in the test environment, you can perform comprehensive testing of the deployment to confirm that it meets your production requirements.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have access to the following files and directories so that you can copy them to the test environment:

  • The toolkit\configuration directory from the pre-production environment

  • Liberty user configuration, for example the server.xml file

  • Any configuration that you completed in the Information Store database. For example, your merged property values definition views.

  • Any certificates and certificate stores that are required

If you are planning to deploy in production with high availability, complete the instructions in i2 Analyze with high availability rather than the steps on this page.


  1. Install any prerequisite software to prepare your servers for the test environment. For the test environment, use the same deployment topology as in your pre-production environment. For more information, see Deployment topologies.

  2. Copy the toolkit\configuration directory from the pre-production environment to the toolkit directory at the root of the deployment toolkit on the Liberty server in the test environment.

  3. Update the values for any configuration settings that are specific to the environment.,, and topology.xml contain settings that you might need to update. For more information, see Configuration files reference.

  4. If your deployment uses a proxy server or load balancer to route requests from clients, ensure that it is configured for use with i2 Analyze. Specify the URI that clients use to connect to i2 Analyze. For more information, see Deploying a proxy server for use with i2 Analyze.

  5. Deploy and start i2 Analyze:

After you deploy, you can replicate any configuration changes that are not stored in the configuration of i2 Analyze.

  1. Configure Liberty security for your environment. To do this, repeat any changes that you made to the Liberty configuration in the previous environment. This might involve copying the user registry file, or updating the server.xml file.

  2. Complete any configuration changes in the Information Store database.

    1. If you created any rules or schedules to delete records by rule, replicate the rules and schedules in the current environment.

    2. If you created any merged property values definition views for your ingestion process, replicate the view definitions in the current environment.

What to do next

After you deploy i2 Analyze in the test environment, you can test your deployment to ensure that it meets the requirements of your organization.

For information about testing i2 Analyze, see Testing your deployment.