Configuration and database changes

As a result of an upgrade, you might need to consider configuration or database changes that are new or different compared with previous versions of the software. Depending on the default behavior, you might want to modify the configuration to meet your requirements after you upgrade the deployment.

Version 4.4.2

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.4.2:

Minimum supported version for upgrade

The minimum version of i2 Analyze that you can upgrade from is now

PostgreSQL Collation_Locale

If your deployment uses PostgreSQL, and you are upgrading from version, be aware that the default Collation_Locale setting was incorrect. This issue can only be resolved by dropping the database, changing the setting, re-creating the database, and re-ingesting the data.

If your deployment was initially created with the fix pack, or you have already applied the fix pack and re-created your database, then you do not need to take any action.

Information Store schema validation

In i2 Analyze deployments that include the Information Store, the server performs additional validation on deployment and upgrade of the schema. Specifically, it checks for the case where two property types in the same item type have been assigned the same semantic property type.

At this version, this invalid state generates a warning in the output from the deploy, upgrade, and updateSchema toolkit tasks. In the future, the warning will become an error. For information about fixing the problem, see Resolving deployment errors.

Note: Previous versions of i2 Analyze included example schemas that suffered from the problem described above. For deployments that use those schemas - or schemas that were originally based upon them - the server repairs the schema dynamically, at runtime.

Information Store security schema changes

i2 Analyze supports a greater range of changes to the security schema after deployment, and there are new extension points that allow dynamic modification of the security schema.

NONE access level warning

In a security schema, specifying the NONE access level in a permission has no effect, because "no access" is the default state.

At this version, specifying NONE is invalid. Using it generates a warning in the output from the deploy, upgrade, and updateSchema toolkit tasks, and from the server. In the future, the warning will become an error. For information about fixing the problem, see Resolving deployment errors.

Removal of dimension values allowed

Dimension values can now be removed from security dimensions without requiring data to be re-ingested or re-indexed. For more details of permitted changes, see Configuring the security schema.

Extension points added

SPI extension points have been added that enable dimension values and permission assignments to be configured in code, as well as in the security schema XML file. For more details and an example of how to implement these SPIs in Java, see the dynamic security example in i2 Analyze Developer Essentials.

Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and recent operating systems

i2 Analyze now supports Information Store deployments on Microsoft SQL Server 2022 as well as 2019 and 2017.

Note: For Windows installations only, the default data directory is version-specific. For SQL Server 2022, it is C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA; earlier versions use MSSQL15 and MSSQL14 in the same path. In a new deployment, ensure that the db.database.location.dir property in is set correctly for the version of SQL Server you're targeting.

i2 Analyze also adds support for being deployed on Windows Server 2022 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v9.

Support for record sharing

This release of i2 Analyze introduces the ability for users to share groups of selected records with their peers. On the server, this feature requires the creation of a new Solr collection named recordshare_index, and introduces new Command Access Control permissions.

The deployment toolkit automatically configures the Solr collection with default settings as part of upgrade.

By default, users are not able to share records with each other. Instead, they must be granted permission to do so. For details of how to grant permission, see The command access control file.

Apache Solr

The version of Apache Solr included in the release is still 8.11.2, but it has been patched to update the versions of Apache Commons Text and Apache Commons Configuration to address CVE-2022-42889 and CVE-2022-33980.

Note: The CVEs were not exploitable in Solr, but still caused vulnerability scan warnings. The toolkit identifies the version of Solr as 8.11.2-patch-1 and installs it as part of upgrading. You can also install it manually by running setup -t installSolr.

Highlight query categories

This release of i2 Analyze adds optional categories to the definitions of highlight queries. You can use these categories to restrict the visibility of highlight queries to specific groups of users. For more details, see Highlight queries.

No changes are necessary to continue to allow all users to see all highlight queries.

Information Store Visual Query configuration

This release of i2 Analyze allows you to control the contents of the Visual Query palette for Information Store searches. This aligns with palette configuration for external Visual Queries, and enables you to include or exclude specific item types from the palette.

These settings are additive, and no changes are required to existing Visual Query configurations. If you do make changes, you can reload the configuration live, through the admin reload endpoint.

Version 4.4.1

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.4.1:

Open Liberty

The Liberty application server installed by the toolkit is now the Open Liberty distribution, rather than IBM® WebSphere® Liberty.


Toolkit support for configuring the IBM HTTP Server is now deprecated, and might be removed in a future release. If the topology.xml file in your deployment sets http-server-host="true", then then toolkit displays a warning message.

Using an HTTP server or proxy for i2 Analyze is optional. If you do want to use one, you can use any modern HTTP server.

Version 4.4.0

No changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.4.0 that affect upgrade.

Version 4.3.5

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.5:

Minimum supported version for upgrade

The minimum version of i2 Analyze that you can upgrade from is now

Improved multiple-line string Visual Query performance on IBM Db2

If your deployment includes an Information Store that runs on IBM Db2, this version includes tooling to improve Visual Query performance with properties that contain multiple-line strings.

Version 4.3.4

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.4:

Minimum supported version for upgrade

The minimum version of i2 Analyze that you can upgrade from is now

Java install location setting moved

The java.home.dir setting in the file is no longer used. The value that was specified for this setting is now used for the I2A_COMPONENTS_JAVA_HOME variable in the file.

For more information about how the location of Java is specified, see Specifying the Java distribution.

Additional setting require for client certificate authentication

If your deployment uses client certificate authentication, you must update the server.xml in Liberty with a new mandatory attribute. For more information, see Configuring i2 Analyze for client certificate authentication.

Temporary ingestion table space deprecated in Db2

The IngestionTempTableSpace setting in the file is superseded by the InternalStagingTableSpace setting.

Version 4.3.3

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.3:

Record matching

If your existing deployment of i2 Analyze included the i2 Connect gateway but not the Information Store, then the upgrade process modifies the contents of to reclassify your schema as a gateway schema. The effect of this change is to modify the identifiers of the item types in the schema.

If your deployment includes match rules files on the server, the upgrade process automatically updates those files to contain the correct item type identifiers. However, if your users have developed local rules files for Find Matching Records, you must edit those files before they reconnect to the server after an upgrade.

On each workstation, follow the instructions to find the local-fmr-match-rules.xml file and use the information in Match rules syntax to update the item type identifiers in the file.

Search results filtering

If your existing deployment of i2 Analyze included the i2 Connect gateway but not the Information Store, then the upgrade process modifies the contents of to reclassify your schema as a gateway schema. If your existing deployment also used a results configuration file, then you must update that file to reflect the reclassification.

Follow the instructions in Setting up search results filtering and Understanding the results configuration file to make the necessary changes to the item type identifiers in the file.

Command access control permissions

A new permission can be added to your command access control file. The new permission grants access to the i2 Notebook web client for the Information Store. For more information, see Controlling access to features.

If you do not update your command access control configuration file to include the new permission, or if command access control is not configured in your deployment, access to the feature is denied to all users.

Liberty log location

The Liberty log files from the i2 Analyze application are now located in the wlp\usr\servers\opal-server\logs\opal-services directory. Any logs generated from your previous release remain in their current location. Any new log messages are created in the new files in the new location.

For more information about the log files, see Deployment log files.

New Information Store table space in Db2

The IS_INTSTG_TS table space is added to the Information Store database. This table space is used to store the internal staging tables that are created as part of the ingestion process. The file contains a new InternalStagingTableSpace setting.

Version 4.3.2

No changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.2 that affect upgrade.

Version 4.3.1 Fix Pack 1

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version

Command access control permissions

New permissions can be added to your command access control file. The new permissions grant access to upload, delete, and read charts with the Information Store. For more information, see Controlling access to features.

If you do not update your command access control configuration file to include the new permissions, access to the features is denied to all users. If command access control is not configured in your deployment, all authenticated users have access to the new features.

Chart storage

For the Information Store database to store charts, the Information Store schema is updated to include the chart item type. After you upgrade the Information Store database, the following tables are added for chart storage:

  • E_ANALYST_S_NOTEBOOK_CH - the data table, includes the chart properties

  • E_ANALYST_S_NOTEBOOK_CH_BIN - the binary data table, includes the binary representation of the chart

  • E_ANALYST_S_NOTEBOOK_CH_TXT - the text data table, includes the text from the chart that can be searched for

Version 4.3.1

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.1:

Minimum supported version for upgrade

The minimum version of i2 Analyze that you can upgrade from is now

OpenJDK - Java Development Kit

The JDK that is installed by the i2 Analyze toolkit is now the OpenJDK, instead of the Oracle JDK.

When you upgrade your deployment of i2 Analyze, the Oracle JDK is uninstalled and the OpenJDK is installed.

Deletion view column changes

To incorporate record identifiers, the deletion views are updated to include a new item_id column. The content of the existing record_id column now contains the record identifier for a record. The item_id column contains the item identifier.

If your existing deletion rules use the record_id column, you might need to update them to use the item_id column. For more information, see Deleting records by rule.

Version 4.3.0

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.3.0:

Database transaction log size increase

The database management system now logs more tables during data movement, which causes an increase to the size of the transaction log. This is more noticeable in deployments that contain large amounts of data. file rename

The file is renamed to

Version 4.2.1

The following changes are introduced at i2 Analyze version 4.2.1:

Configuration fragments

You can deploy the Information Store and i2 Connect in the same deployment of i2 Analyze. To configure a deployment with this topology, some properties files and settings are in a different location:

  • If your deployment contained the opal-services-daod fragment, it is renamed to opal-services. The settings in the file are now in the file.

  • If your deployment contained the opal-services-is fragment, the opal-services fragment is added and the following files are moved to the opal-services fragment:



    • Results configuration file

    • visual-query-configuration.xml

By default, all of the values for the settings in the files are unchanged.

Command access control permissions

New permissions can be added to your command access control file. The new permissions grant access to the export search results to a CSV file and i2 Connect features in Analyst's Notebook Premium. For more information, see Controlling access to features.

If you do not update your command access control configuration file to include the new permissions, access to the features is denied to all users. If command access control is not configured in your deployment, all authenticated users have access to the features except the export to CSV file feature.

Oracle Java Development Kit

The JDK that is installed by the i2 Analyze toolkit is now the Oracle JDK, instead of the IBM® JDK.

When you upgrade your deployment of i2 Analyze, the IBM JDK is uninstalled and the Oracle JDK is installed.