Multiple value settings

It is possible for an item in i2 Analyze to contain properties with multiple values. Charting schemes contain configurable specifications that define how multiple property values are charted.

For example, an item might have several properties of type Middle name, all of which have different values. Items on a chart do not support this notion, so you must create a charting scheme and configure it to accommodate the multiple property values.

You can configure the property value specifications when you insert property or attribute mappings.

The configuration options for determining the value that is charted depends on the underlying data type of the property. For example, you can chart a Date & Time property value by using the earliest or the most recent value from the set of multiple values.
Note: The default configuration is set to Use any single value. For the default configurations, they hold no deterministic rules that specify which value in the set of values is charted.
When links are summarized - Single, Directed or Flow - each link item that is being summarized might have multiple values for a property. When you are creating link type property mappings, the following extra options are available for populating the set of values from which the charted value is selected:
  • All values from all links
  • Primary property from each link
CAUTION: The Information Store and Analyst's Notebook Premium do not support the concept that a single property type can possess multiple property values. Data loss can occur if you create and upload a charting scheme that accommodates for multiple property values, and place items with selected property values onto a chart.