Inserting attribute instances

You can map property types to instances of attribute classes. You can define a new attribute class to map to, or map your property type to an existing attribute class.

Before you begin

The Edit Charting Schemes window must be open. Select the item type that you want to map an instance of an attribute class to.


To insert an instance of an attribute class mapping:
  1. Right-click your property type and select Insert Attribute Instance.
  2. In the Insert Attribute Class window, you can either select an attribute class that exists, or create one specifically for the property type.
  3. If you want to map to an existing attribute class, click Select an existing attribute class and choose an attribute from the list.
  4. If you want to create an attribute class specifically for the property type:
    1. Click Select a repository property and enter a name for your new attribute class in the Specify the new attribute class name.
    2. Click Next and configure the attribute class.
  5. When your attribute class is configured, click OK.


Your property type is mapped to an instance of an attribute class. If your attribute class was created specifically, it appears in your attribute classes section and your property type's attribute section.