Important notices


Version by Version comparison

Fixed and known issues

Download information

System requirements

Language support

Release notes - i2 Analyst's Notebook 10.0.1

A high level overview of the release, listing new features, the system requirements, and any known issues.

Important notices

⚠️ Installation

After downloading the distribution media ensure that you extract all of the product components from the compressed file. This can be done using the "Extract All..." option on the Windows right-click menu.

Then using Windows Explorer, browse to the root of the extracted folder and run setup.exe and follow the installation prompts.

⚠️ i2 iBridge

iBridge (all versions) will not interoperate with Analyst's Notebook 10.0.1. iBridge customers are advised to continue to use the latest 32-bit Analyst's Notebook version compatible with their version of iBridge.

⚠️ Legacy icons

Analyst's Notebook 10.0.1 will be last release to support the legacy icons.


Release highlight details

Additional new icons

  • New, additional customer requested icons have been added to the Analyst's Notebook palette. The following are some examples.

    Sample new icons in Analyst's Notebook

Enhanced language support

  • This release adds support for three additional new languages - Ukrainian, Russian and Bulgarian.

Performance improvements

  • A number of commonly used features of Analyst's Notebook have been optimized to take advantage of the 64-bit architecture, allowing the user to more easily analyze larger charts using these features.

  • The following features have been optimized:

    • Time Wheel
    • Bar Charts and Histograms
    • List Most Connected
    • List Items
    • Social Network Analysis

Usability improvements

  • Based on customer feedback, usability improvements have been incorporated in several features.

    • The pane for the Linked Entities tool now includes a direction column.
    • Copy is now available from the Linked Entities pane.

    Linked Entities
    • List Records can now export records directly to an Excel file or delimited text file. When exporting to Excel each exported item type has a separate tab in the spreadsheet.
    • The text filter in List Records can be cleared by clicking the X in the filter.

    List Records Export
    • When creating an import specification the Trim Characters action is enabled by default for all columns. This helps with matching during imports by removing extra whitespace characters.

Single sign on for i2 Esri Maps

  • The i2 Esri Maps feature of Analyst's Notebook now supports Esri Single Sign On (SSO) for accessing Esri map services. Users from organizations that have set up Esri SSO on their server can now access Esri map services without needing to repeatedly re-enter login credentials.

Support for Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 11

  • This release adds support for i2 Esri Maps to connect Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 11.

Version by Version comparison

The following table shows a comparison of features between recent versions of Analyst's Notebook:

🆕 = New Feature ✅ = Existing Feature ❌ = Feature Removed/Obsolete

FEATURESAnalyst's Notebook 10.0.1Analyst's Notebook 10.0.0Analyst's Notebook 9.4.0Analyst's Notebook 9.3.1Analyst's Notebook 9.2.4
Additional new icons🆕----
Enhanced language support🆕----
Performance improvements🆕----
Single sign on for i2 Esri Maps🆕----
Support for Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 11🆕----
64-bit support🆕---
List Records tool🆕---
Highlight Selection tool🆕---
New selection tools🆕---
Additional icons🆕---
Conditional Formatting - new operators🆕---
Importing - Date/Time format key🆕---
Bar Charts and Histograms - additional playback tools🆕---
Activity View - Select Latest/Earliest/All🆕---
Enhanced Time Wheel🆕---
Export to KML🆕---
License Management🆕---
i2 Branding🆕--
Time Wheel🆕--
Conditional Formatting – Icon frame display option🆕
List Most Connected – Configurable Low Net Change analysis measure🆕

Fixed and known issues

The issues that have been fixed in this release, and remaining known issues.

Fixed issues

Issue numberIssue title
DT00090en-gb folder does not exist when attempting to view Reports
DT00220ANB Import Error: System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
DT00258Time Wheel Exception
DT00260Opening the lookup table based on Boolean throws exception "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added"

Known issues in this release

Issue numberIssue title
LimitationSome context help may appear in English in non-English locales
LimitationWhen using List Items, if you have an item with only a Time property set then it will incorrectly display a Date property set to ‘01/01/0001’ that may be copied over to a third party application using the List Items Copy feature
LimitationIf running in Ukrainian or Bulgarian, the Publish\Reports feature will fail to open the Reporter.rep file and return an error message; users can continue to create their own file by clicking 'OK'
LimitationThe transparent background of a PNG image is lost when pasting for a Picture as Representation
LimitationRunning an import to a new chart on a Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) operating system causes a COM exception
DT00244Information entered in the ANB Property don't show up in Windows Explore
DT00251Importing XML into existing chart imports into the most recently created chart, not the selected chart
DT00282Misleading "Activation required" message when exceeding concurrent usage Internet license
PO07495ANB 906 is not adjusting the time for AEDT

System requirements

The following tables shows the system requirements for this release, and previous releases. These system requirements should be used to ensure that the setup you are running is fully supported. Ensure that existing deployments are upgraded to currently supported versions of all the software required.

🆕 = Newly supported ✅ = Supported ❌ = No longer supported

Operating systems

OPERATING SYSTEMSAnalyst's Notebook 10.0.1Analyst's Notebook 10.0.0Analyst's Notebook 9.4.0Analyst's Notebook 9.3.1Analyst's Notebook 9.2.4
Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise x64 (64-bit)🆕--
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro x64 (64-bit)🆕--
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x32 (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x32 (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Edition🆕---
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard Edition🆕---
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Essentials Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition

Note: i2 products are supported on hardware virtualization environments that run any of the operating systems that are listed in the detailed system requirements. When you run in a virtual environment, any issues that can be replicated by i2 in a supported operating system are addressed by using the standard support policy. Trial editions of i2 Analyst's Notebook cannot be run in virtualized environments.


SOFTWARE PREREQUISITESAnalyst's Notebook 10.0.1Analyst's Notebook 10.0.0Analyst's Notebook 9.4.0Analyst's Notebook 9.3.1Analyst's Notebook 9.2.4
Microsoft Edge (latest) or Microsoft Edge WebView2🆕---
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8🆕---
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Microsoft Access database engine 2016 (64-bit)1🆕---
Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (32-bit)

Note: Microsoft Edge Webview2 is available from It must be installed by choosing the option to "Install as Administrator"

1 Importing from an Excel spreadsheet into Analyst's Notebook requires the Microsoft Access database engine 2016 (64-bit) to be installed.

Supported software (optional)

i2 iBase 9.2.1
i2 Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri 10.0.1
i2 TextChart
SUPPORTED SOFTWAREAnalyst's Notebook 10.0.1Analyst's Notebook 10.0.0Analyst's Notebook 9.4.0Analyst's Notebook 9.3.1Analyst's Notebook 9.2.4
Microsoft Office 365 64-bit🆕---
Microsoft Office 2021 64-bit🆕---
Microsoft Office 2019 64-bit🆕---
Microsoft Office 2016 64-bit2🆕---
Microsoft Office 2019 32-bit
Microsoft Office 2016 32-bit
Microsoft Office 365 32-bit
Google Earth 6.2 (32-bit only)
Google Earth 7.1 (32-bit only)
Google Earth Professional 6.2 (32-bit only)
Google Earth Professional 7.1 (32-bit only)
Google Earth Professional 7.3 (32-bit only)
Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 11 (Portal for ArcGIS; optional, for i2 Esri Maps)3🆕----
Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 10 (Portal for ArcGIS; optional, for i2 Esri Maps)3

2 This release of i2 Analyst's Notebook 10.0.1 is the last version to support Microsoft Office 2016.

3 Specific version support is determined by Esri product lifecycle statement.


Hardware requirementsMinimumRecommended
Disk space1GB for installation plus additional working space
ProcessorIntel or AMD processor with 64-bit and SSE 4.2 support
2GHz or faster
Display1280 x 7681920 x 1080

Language support

i2 products are tested on a number of various regional variations of operating systems. In addition they are translated into a number of different languages.

Operating system language support

i2 supports this product on the following regional versions of the supported operating systems:

Language Group/LanguageLanguage CollectionSupport Status
Western Europe and USABasic
Central EuropeBasic
ArabicComplex Script
JapaneseEast Asian
KoreanEast Asian
Traditional ChineseEast Asian
Simplified ChineseEast Asian
ThaiComplex Script
VietnameseComplex Script
HebrewComplex Script
IndicComplex Script
GeorgianComplex Script
ArmenianComplex Script
DhivehiComplex Script
GalicianComplex Script
GujaratiComplex Script
KannadaComplex Script
KyrgyzComplex Script
Mongolian (Cyrillic)Complex Script
PunjabiComplex Script
SyriacComplex Script
TeluguComplex Script

Data support

i2 products support unicode data.


The following languages are supported:

TranslationsAnalyst's Notebook 10.0.1
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

4 Help available in English only.

5 Reinstated.