Planning the upgrade
The upgrade process is designed to meet the needs of multiple types of environment. Depending on the setup within your organization, a number of deployment options are available to minimize the impact on day-to-day operations.
Before you upgrade iBase, consider the following areas:
Original system configuration and use
Every iBase deployment is configured to match the needs of different users, so it is important that you recognize which features are used, and ensure they are configured correctly after the upgrade.
Requirements of the system after the upgrade
Perform an analysis of the new features of iBase to ensure that all the features relevant to your organization are set up correctly.
Client location
The installation process will differ depending on the number of users and the method of connection used by iBase clients when connecting to the server. For deployments in organizations that only use locally hosted databases and clients, the upgrade can take place in a single phase. For deployments in organizations that include remote users, large numbers of clients, or who share data with other agencies, a phased approach to the upgrade might be more suitable. A phased approach gives all relevant parties a chance to upgrade their client software before the database upgrade takes place. Depending on the number of client machines involved, you can carry out deployment of the iBase clients manually, or schedule it for automatic deployment using enterprise systems management software.
Timescale for deployment
Creating a realistic timescale for deployment will allow you to plan the deployment around the peak times of your system use.