Zooming in and out of the chart

When you open a chart it is automatically displayed to be fitted in the window. You can zoom in to see a smaller area of the chart at a larger scale, or zoom out to see more of the chart.

Zooming in

To zoom into the chart, do one of the following steps:
  • Click the Zoom In option on the toolbar.
  • Press the Page Up key.
  • Select View > Zoom In.
  • Hold down the Ctrl key and rotate the mouse wheel forward.

The zoom is centered on the last location you clicked the chart.

To zoom in further, repeat the action, or hold down the Page Up key to zoom in as far as possible. When you reach the zoom limit, the button and command are unavailable.

Zooming out

To zoom out of the chart, do one of the following steps:
  • Click the Zoom Out toolbar button.
  • Press the Page Down key.
  • Select View > Zoom Out.
  • Hold down the Ctrl key and rotate the mouse wheel backward.

The zoom is centered on the last location you clicked the chart.

To zoom out further, repeat the action or hold down the Page Down key to zoom out as far as possible. When you reach the zoom limit, the button and command are unavailable.